Friday, January 22, 2021

Marxism, Conflict, and Popculture


Within Marxist theory, modern warfare is described as existing as result of capitalism. Marxist theory states that all modern wars are caused by competition for resources and markets between great and imperialist powers, claiming these wars are a natural result of the free market and a class system (O'Callaghan, Einde (25 October 2007). "The Marxist Theory of Imperialism and its Critics"Marxists Internet Archive. Retrieved 24 April 2011).



 The theory of Marxism is at best…..a theory. When a theory or a portion of that theory comes to fruition the theorist is vindicated in the correctness of the theory. Glorified in the righteous utopia of a perceived reality of “only if”. “If” we all lived within the confines of a theory then peace and harmony will prevail. No more class, no more inequality. However, Marxist theory doesn’t take into account human nature. As much as much as we like to think people are trust worthy, it is not so in reality.  Furthermore, the Marxist theory as depicted in popular culture (in my opinion) is theory vindication in a fictional setting.  

We are now on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the world trade center. The first video is of the air traffic controllers the morning of the attack as it was unfolding. The second is how the attacks affected the popular culture of the time. One could argue that a theory predicated on the ideology of “utopia” would entice, elicit, and encourage behavior in pursuit of “perfection in the eye of the beholder.” While the devastation rained down on the streets of Manhattan, a radical few celebrated a step forward towards their utopia, which was accomplished by obliterating the “only if” in question, i.e thousands of innocent people. All in attempt to bring down the U.S. Financial System.

While often confused with communism, Marxism has more of an impact on pop culture today than most are aware. Refuting communism due to the failures of Russia (more commonly known) people have muted their thoughts on utopia, and adopted a more “unified as one” approach to equality that limits traditional beliefs, and forces the hand of human interaction.

Masks are a prime example.

What do you think of the Marxist theory and how it seems appealing to society through pop culture media?

Do you think capitalism is the cause of modern wars?


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